I did the cake and customer was happy and it took me out of the sadness that I felt for my cousin, after that we prayed that she recovers. It makes me think ,why did I not discover this passion a while back, Lord knows it would have taken me through a whole lot of challenges that experienced in my life, but they say everything has its own time and that is what they mean with self discovery.
My dreams are coming together I can feel it, its hardwork and dedication that I need to put more of and not let negativity get to me.
We live our lives seeking fulfilment from people and we forget the strength that we have in us. If you don't believe in yourself then why would you expect the other person to believe in you.
When people see what you are capable of and you see the look on their faces, hahahahaha such fulfilment. My motto is -it pushes me forward when I can see that you take me for granted, then I want to be a better person and you must see that!! I really have no strength in me to be explaining myself to people who judge me.
I love pictures but I need to invest on a good camera LOL, I'm putting it out there to the universe and it will happen.
I just love the end product!!!
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